Instructions for arranging steel for concrete floors


Do you know how to arrange steel to pour concrete on the floor? Please refer to the instructions for arranging steel to concreting the floor through the article below. We all know that the arrangement of steel is extremely important to the stability and safety of an entire building.

Steel layout to pour concrete floor most reasonable

Currently there are many methods for you to arrange the steel so that the most reasonable. However, to ensure standards, it can be arranged in two ways:


Arrangement according to the floor 1 direction: This is the type of floor bending in 1 direction or 2 directions, but the other method is subject to bending with a very small force, insignificant. The link may be on the wall or in one block with the beam but only on the sides smaller or equal to two opposite sides.

Arrangement according to the floor 2 directions: A form of floor under bending in two directions, the link can be listed on the wall or poured seamlessly with the beam, the link with beams is greater than or equal to 2 adjacent sides.

Each layout has its own advantages and disadvantages. Floor 1 means the floor is only supported two sides. Therefore structure only works in one direction. The total load is transmitted in a direction perpendicular to the support beam. If the floor has four sides and the ratio of long and short sides is greater than two, it is also considered as a one-sided floor. Because of the large difference in length, the load is not transmitted to the beams in the short term. Bearing steel is only arranged in a phoenix of the floor.

Note when laying steel to pour concrete floor

When arranging steel, you should note that it is necessary to select a reasonable sized steel, should not choose steel with a size too small as this will not be enough force to bear the load. But when you choose too big steel will cost more. And when conducting knitting steel should not knit too shoes or too sparse. Please follow the technical drawings that you have been instructed.


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